Friday, May 03, 2024
Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality: Are You Ready?
Blog Posts Health Pregnancy Guide

Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality: Are You Ready?

If this is your first pregnancy, you’re most likely feeling both nervous and excited; it’s a brand-new experience for you, which could mean learning about the miracle of motherhood or uncovering some nasty secrets that have been kept from you. You already know that this ride will be a bumpy one, and you want to come in as prepared as possible for what the next nine months will bring. We have discussed Tips For Boosting Women’s Immunity During Pregnancy. We don’t want to overwhelm you with horror stories of what your body is going through, but we also want to be honest about your changing body and what these changes may lead to, Did you ever read about Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality?

Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality: Are You Ready?

Continue reading to find out why you may suddenly develop hemorrhoids, how to be prepared for morning sickness, and how to reduce unwanted pregnancy symptoms like swollen joints and strange food cravings. So let’s check out more about Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality.

Unpleasant Symptoms

There are unexplained conditions that crop up that happen due to hormonal shifts in your body and your sudden weight gain. Some of these conditions include nausea, swelling, and worst of all, hemorrhoids. Being aware of these symptoms as they happen is a way you can approach treatment calmly and effectively. Instead of running to the doctor, fearing the worst, you can educate yourself on common ailments that pregnant women go through.

Morning Sickness

Although you may be aware of what morning sickness is, remember that it doesn’t necessarily imply you are only sick in the morning. Feeling nauseous, dizzy, and tired are common symptoms associated with morning sickness -and they can last for up to two months. When you had these symptoms in college due to a hangover, you could quickly turn yourself around by a greasy hamburger and chugging some electrolytes. Now, you can focus on defeating your nausea by natural methods such as drinking ginger tea, taking a short 20-minute walk, or eating simple starches like toast or saltines. If your nausea still persists, there are patches you can use to help reduce waves of sickness that occasionally occur.


Another undesirable symptom that occurs closer to the end of your pregnancy is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by veins in your anus becoming irritated and swollen, which is caused by an increased pressure on those veins due to your new belly. There are hundreds of creams, pills, and treatments for hemorrhoids which give instant relief and promote fast healing so you won’t have to suffer for long. Check out this Hemclear review to see what other people are saying about highly effective hemorrhoid treatments.


Maybe it hasn’t been mentioned as much, but your uterus is not the only part of your body growing in size. Your ankles, wrists, fingers, and knees start to swell due to the increased amounts of water in your body. More than usual fluid retention means swollen joints. Try to avoid long periods of sitting or standing – and when you are sitting, put your feet up so blood can’t collect in your ankles. Getting a moderate amount of exercise a few times a week like yoga, gentle walking, and swimming helps move fluids around your body.


Strange combinations of food like pickles and peanut butter: is this a joke people make up to make fun of pregnancy cravings, or is it based on reality? Although cravings do not usually consist of strange food combinations, there is an aspect of pregnancy that leads the mother to crave foods she doesn’t usually enjoy or foods she has not eaten in years. To reduce cravings, there isn’t much you can do, but cravings aren’t that bad. You should give your body what it wants as long as it doesn’t make you sick; in fact, a lot of food cravings (like ice cream) provide nutrients to your body (like calcium). However, if a food you are craving could cause potential harm to your baby, such as sushi, you should substitute it with something within the same food group, like some salty chips.


Pregnancy is a wonderful experience that may come with a few unlikable surprises. We believe you should be well prepared for the upcoming months, whether it involves unusual symptoms like 3-am cravings for fish tacos or unpleasant symptoms like hemorrhoids. We are here to provide solutions to help you feel your best during pregnancy.

Disclosure: Sponsored*. The views shared are solely Author only. 

DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional advice.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

23 thoughts on “Pregnancy Expectations vs Reality: Are You Ready?

  1. Ye duniya ka sabse anokha ehsaas hai jo hum sirf mehsus kar saktey hain, explain bhi nahi hota ye to ??
    Mujhy morning sickness n swelling ka prob tha per morning sickness 3months tak hi tha, craving to nahi hui?

  2. Pregnancy is a blessing, one would not realize it unless felt. Yes, with all beautiful things there are some sure shot dis comforts – but then – all good things come to us with hardwork. Insightful post.

  3. A good info for all ladies who are or are planning to get pregnant. Infact, I will be sharing this with my friends and urge everyone to bookmark this and refer to know about various facts.

  4. You know I did faced sugar cravings those days. It was impossible for me to resist eating sugary drinks and sweets

  5. My best friend is pregnant and she is suffering from morning sickness and how . M sure this post will be very helpful for her

  6. This is so detailed.. wonderful read.. one should definitely be mentally prepared to take this step before pregnancy.. it is a big change in life..

  7. I would say that pregnancy is a blessing and a wonderful experience and would totally change your world upside down..I did have cravings for ice cream,briyani 🙂

  8. i badly struggled with hemorroids when i was pregnant and it took me very long to figure outit was a pregnancy symptom. Thanks for sharing this info! very helpful.

  9. Every pregnancy is different from others. I bought a pregnancy book during my first and used to compare the symptoms with those written in the book.

  10. This is great information and i am sure every woman who is pregnant has her own experience. One thing is for sure, you need a support group around you to keep you going with the hormonal changes.

  11. Its such a wonderful experience even though I had morning sickness, cravings and I was put off by certain smells like tea, eggs, tomatoes etc. I suffered from SPD during my pregnancy and symptoms didn’t leave even after delivery. My bone is slightly tilted due to pregnancy weight and pelvic pressure. Doctors in the UK suggested me a surgery to fix this condition.


  12. I never had cravings but yes morning sickness took.away my life. It was their for 3 months in both of my pregnancy.

  13. Craving food is real. I craved kfc fried popcorn. Chicken for 3 weeks and had to eat it. Made me feel good while I ate it but it was strange because i had given up eating chicken for 5 years prior to that.

  14. I completely agree with you that pregnancy is a wonderful experience that brings along with it few ifs and buts but they are all worth it. Also its important mainly for the new and first time mums to be prepared and aware of the various problems faced during pregnancy.

  15. This os really an amazing post! In all the excitement we forgot what’s coming next.. i.e, the sickness, the cravings… Good post for every one planning a pregnancy

  16. This all reminds me of my pregnancy days. Hiw I enjoyed my pregnanncy till 8th month and how I suffered in my 9th month due to some medical.issues.

  17. I felt every word you write. Remind me of my pregnancy days. Uff specially that morning sickness. I have that for complete 5 months.

Love to hear from you :)

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