Friday, May 03, 2024
VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis
Blog Posts Health Heathcare

VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis

Joint pain problems have deep roots nowadays. Every fifth person you met complains about joint pain. This is commonly known as Arthritis, the major disease these days.

Things get worse when the limited motion of joints happens. Yes, Arthritis can so worse and delayed diagnosis and treatment deteriorate patients conditions.

If you or any of your family members suffer from Arthritis, then treatment is the big question in front of you. As there is as such no curable treatment. Your queries and worries vanish away after knowing about

VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis. 

Before going into details let learn some facts about Arthritis.

Arthritis facts

  • Painful, swollen, warm joints.
  • Arthritis can affect any age including children.
  • Fatigue, occasional fever, and a general feeling of discomfort.
  • Earlier diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. Arthritis starts with joint pain known as arthralgia. The disease further modified to restrict joints movements.

How many types of arthritis exist?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Two common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

What Causes Arthritis?

Causes of arthritis depend on the type of arthritis Some common causes include

  • Injury
  • Metabolic abnormalities
  • Hereditary factors
  • Infections
  • Weaken Immunity

What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

Pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints are the most common symptoms of arthritis. The motion of your joints may also restrict, and sometimes there is redness of the skin around the joint. The symptoms are prominent in the morning.

How Is Arthritis Diagnosed?

Diagnosis starts with doctors a thorough physical examination. Your doctor checks for fluid, redness, swelling, warmness around joints, and restricted motion in the joints.

Inflammation levels help to determine the type of arthritis you have. Further, it’s confirmed with lab tests such as X-ray, MRI, and CT scans and blood tests etc.

Arthritis treatment is done through three methods:

  1. Medication
  2. Surgery
  3. Physical Therapy

How VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis

VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis

There is no cure for arthritis. However, the right treatment can decrease the effects of arthritis. In addition, lifestyle changes can help a lot to reduce their symptoms of arthritis.

VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis. VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid is made from Glucosamine sulfate and extracts of Boswellia Serrata and Alpine galanga.

The combination is purely Ayurvedic and has a complete approach to joint pain management.

You have to take 2 tablets twice daily of VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid. These tablets have an organic approach to the treatment of Arthritis. They reduce joint pain.

You’ve to no longer depend on analgesics, intake of which affects heart, kidney and liver functions. The results of VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid is effective.

Comprising all these benefits VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid becomes the drug of choice for most reliable and trustworthy doctors.

If you or anyone in your connection suffers from Arthritis, I’ll recommend VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid to them. You can discover more about Ortho Aid here

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with VLCC. They promote Authentic & finest quality products. however, the views shared in this article are my own.

Disclaimer: Any facts used in this post are purely meant for education purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice

Image source VLCC

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

53 thoughts on “VLCC Wellscience Ortho Aid helps Redefine life with Arthritis

  1. Such an informative post. I am sure old age people would be relived to find such an easy solution to their joints problems.

  2. VLCC is definitely a renowned wellness center in India and they do have some impressive therapies for many problems.

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